Recommended Resources

Dr. Montessori wrote many books on her methods, and many books have been written about her. Below are some resources for parents who wish to learn more about Dr. Montessori and her methods, child development and/or parenting in general. 


Most of these books are available through our Public Library System, Powells Book, or Amazon


Briggs, Dorothy Corkille

Cline, Foster, MD & Fay, Jim

Coloroso, Barbara

Faber, Adele and Mazlish, Elaine

Hainstock, Elizabeth G

Lillard, Angeline Stoll

Montessori, Maria


Polk, Paula Lillard

Rosenberg, Marshall B., PhD

Standing, E.M.

Sunderland, Margot

Wolf, Aline D.


Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Parenting With Love and Logic. Teaching Children Responsibility

Kids are Worth It

How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk
Liberated Parents Liberated Children - Your Guide to a Happier Family
Siblings Without Rivalry

Teaching Montessori In The Home — The Pre-school Years

Montessori -- The Science Behind The Genius

The Absorbent Mind
The Secret of Childhood
The Discovery of the Child
From Childhood to Adolescence
The Child In the Family
The Montessori Method
Spontaneous Activity in Education
Education & Peace
Education for a New World
What You Should Know About Your Child
Dr. Montessori’s Own Handbook
The Formation of Man

Montessori: A Modern Approach

Raising Children Compassionately
Nonviolent Communication

Maria Montessori — Her Life & Work

The Science of Parenting

A Parent’s Guide to the Montessori Classroom
